Starting Asparagus Plants from Seed

Asparagus plants are usually started from crowns but can be started from seed. If you wish to try the second method, order seed now. We recommend transplanting asparagus in mid to late April after danger of a freeze is past. It normally takes about 10 to 12 weeks for asparagus seedlings to grow large enough to transplant, so they need to be started soon.

Asparagus seed is somewhat erratic in germination though soaking seed in warm water for 48 hours helps. Keep the seeding medium between 75 and 80 degrees and plant at a depth equal to four times the diameter of the seed. Germination normally takes two to three weeks.

Asparagus seems to grow in spurts where growth will be rapid, and then slow. Don’t become concerned with this pattern, as it is quite common with asparagus. Plants should be transplanted to a trench about 6 inches deep. Gradually add soil to the trench as plants grow. The trench should be full by the end of the growing season.

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